- Show Director: Stefan Ponnet (DDMC)
- Showcaller & Art Director: Julie Mazy (Manythink)
- Stage Manager: Valerie De Knop (DDMC)
- DDMC team: lead by Stijn Snaet & John Evenepoel. (and supported by many other DDMC colleagues)
- Visuals: Manythink (Mehdi, Maarten,…)
- Sound FOH: Roel Hengeveld
- Sound System Engineer: Pieter “Pita” Tanghe
- Light Desk Operator: Werner Dries
- d3 Operator: Jo Pauly (Visual Solutions)
- d3 System Engineer: Sander De Schrijver (Visual Solutions)
- Motion Operator: Steven Veestraeten & Thomas Van Keymolen (PRG Belgium)
- Production Manager Light Sound Video: Manolo Van Oost (PRG Belgium)
- Video Team: Mathieu Boudin & Hervé Bievelez (PRG Belgium)
- Multicamera director & OB facilities: Hans Pannecoucke for
There were 2400 guests from 68 countries at the PEUGEOT 2020 Brand Convention in Amsterdam, making this a truly international gathering. DDMC Event Design asked us to be part of this dynamic show.
Driving 3 big curved screens of ROE VR3 and 3 image screens made of ROE BO3 and 200+ Blade strips required some serious horsepower. With PowerPoint slideshow resolutions beyond 4K at 50Hz, we chose to use 2 parallel NDI streams to capture this amount of data into the 4×4 pro disguise servers.
Together with 2 live image inputs, we optimised the system’s capture capabilities bringing it from 6G to almost 30G! On top of that, ambient lighting mirrored the colour palette of the video content. A powerful feature that put a smile on the operator’s face!
All in all, the show was a triumph in hi-resolution excellence.
We were proud to be part of an amazing team!
#PEUGEOT #UnboringTheFuture #NOVATEAM #DDMC #VisualSolutions
Pics by Olivier Anbergen & Raphael Soret