Meet the team
Our dedicated free-lance team is the key to our success!
Jo Pauly

Managing Director / Mediaserver-live-video Programmer/Operator/ Production Manager
Active in the AV industry since the age of 13. As a trainee at Aed Rent, as a video technician with Renting & Development, Technical Advisor and Project Manager at CanDo, Project Manager at Procon Event Engineering before developing the video department and working as Production Manager at EML Productions/PRG.
Since 2013, he started on a Free-lance basis with Visual-Solutions, always in for a new or exciting experience.
Jo has been project manager or chief engineer on some very large international shows, events, fairs, concerts,…
As a team-player, no knowledge will remain at the hands of a single person. Sharing knowledge is key! Passionate about projection, operating, mediaservers, complicated video setups, LED, multicamera, interactivity, new technologies!
He is also a dedicated d3 operator with a lot of experience and a certified d3 trainer!
Good to know
Just a quick pick of some of our skills and services we can offer to you are highlighted on our home page.
Whether your project starts from scratch or already has got the design, we are your partner to help you fill in all video related technical blanks.
On top of that we are straightforward – highly dynamic – communicative – positive – team-players :-)
Our teams are VCA-Certified & BA-5 for electricity.