- Too many to sum up, I will list no details
- LED screens, Mediaservers, network infrastructure: Faber Audiovisuals – NL
FINALLY! After the COVID 19 annulation of the 2020 show, we were super excited to be asked again by Faber Audiovisuals, lead by Ben Augenbroe and Steve Ackein to program and operate the media servers for the Eurovision Song Contest! What a ride is has been!
There are no words to describe the magnitude of a production like this one. It was a place where all crew was extremely professional and the challenges were extremely high!
A show like this deserves nothing less than the very best in visualisation and we were proud to be involved in the 4 weeks pre-programming, 4 weeks show programming and the integration of all the visuals linked with all other departments over midi/TC/DMX/s-ACN and PSN (Posistagenet)/E2.
Our setup consisted of 2 x Disguise GX2c for main and backup master operation, 4 x GX2C and 4 x VX4 for driving the slave main/backup system.
Another 4×4 was used as an editor station and for visualisation together with an extra Gx2C for Stage Precision automation data control and distribution.
The entire network backbone was well thought and extremely securely engineered with the help of By-Lex (Lex and Philippe)
Time for a shout out to the team that has operated the show:
Jo Pauly – Lead Disguise Operator
Chema Menendez – Disguise Operator
Kjell Rijntjes – Disguise Operator and system engineer
Joao Prates- Disguise Operator and system engineer
We want to thank and congratulate the entire Faber Audiovisuals team and the entire production team lead by Erwin Rintjema for making this show a tremendous success.